What people are saying about Meghan!

If you would like Meghan to feature your testimony please contact her through email.


Meghan is very knowledgeable. I wasn’t expecting to learn so much when I signed up as her client. I kept picking her brain during all 3 of my protocols and have learned so much. It was hard to find the discipline but she motivated me through the hard times. After years of chasing different fad diets I finally feel like I know how to take care of my body and eat right for life not just a fad. 

— Kerry Smith

I’m a new client of Meghan’s and I was pleasantly surprised after receiving my protocol. There was so much detailed information! A lot of online nutritionists or health coaches give you a standard cookie cutter plan. Meghan’s is very detailed and customized I learned so much! 

— Amber

I had very bad eczema on my hands, arms and a bit on my face. After 2 months on the plan Meghan gave me, my skin cleared about about 60%. I’m still currently on the supplement and diet plan but I continue to get improvements daily, After half of my life struggling with skin issues I’m so pleased to see this much progress! Can’t wait until it’s completely gone. I have learned so much from Meghan she truly is a wealth of information. 

— Jordyn S.

I’m not a vegan and never was. But because it is so popular and just trending, I contemplated going vegan in the future. I did it in thinking maybe I will like it or I will be healthier. I’m glad I came across Meghan’s YT videos because they are so informative and I’m really glad she saved me from going down a path that could have been detrimental to my health.

— Zakiya

I dealt with tons of bloating, gas and diarrhea for many years and came across Meghan on YouTube. Her consult and treatment changed my life. I can actually digest everything I eat!! I thought I was allergic to certain foods turns out I am not! Thank you so much Meghan.

— Trish

I found Meghan’s YouTube about 6 months ago when I quit the vegan diet. Not only did her health advice help me but the mental part of getting over veganism she talks about helped me so much! Thank you Meghan! Can’t wait until your back posting videos! 

— Juliet

I had severe IBS that I could not figure out how to fix. I went to so many doctors, specialists, Gastroenterologists, etc. All they wanted to do was put me on pharmaceuticals. Every time I took the medication I would get worse. I started having really high liver enzymes and my condition was getting worse. I came across Meghan's videos when I was doing research. I was very skeptical after all I had been through with doctors but after I emailed Meghan I could tell she knew what she was talking about. She had been through these digestive problems herself so I really felt like she could relate to me. I just needed someone to believe what I was going through and to stop telling me it was all in my head. I have completed 6 protocols in total with Meghan and I plan on completing 12 in total to make sure my digestion problems do not come back. The discipline at first was very hard but the more I trusted her expertise the more my IBS symptoms disappeared. I just want anyone reading this who is in a desperate state of health to know that it is possible to feel normal again! Thank you Meghan!

— Mary

I suffered for years with allergies but not anymore thanks to Meghan. She taught me that there was a link between leaky gut/gut dysbiosis and allergies. After I did a 6 month protocol with her my allergies are 95% gone! The only time I have a bit of a flare up is when I'm feeling under the weather or I get off track with my healthy diet. I am so grateful for all the knowledge she's given me. 

— Adrian


I recently bought a customized protocol from Meghan to heal my digestive issues and I was pleasantly surprised at how detailed it was. She broke everything down that was going wrong with my health and taught me so much. Well worth the money. 

— Alexandra Lee

I found Meghan on Youtube as I was searching the internet for answers on why I felt so terrible. I was a vegetarian for about 2 years before going vegan for almost 3 years. I was convinced I was on the best diet out there, however towards the end of last year my health became a huge concern for me and I knew I had to make a change. I related to Meghan's story and many of the ex-vegans she interviewed on her channel, (everything from chronic fatigue, brain fog, heart palpitations, anxiety, skin issues, hair loss, digestion problems, just to name a few) and finally decided to take a chance and began working with her at the beginning of the year and have already seen/felt major improvements in my health. I love the healthy animal based meal plans because the foods are so delicious and I don't feel like I'm restricting myself. I also love the supplements because they are a great compliment to the diet portion of the protocols and everything is natural so I do not have to worry about any negative effects on my body and overall health. She is very knowledgeable in her field and also gives a lot of great information with each protocol and is available when I have any questions/concerns, I highly recommend. Thank you so much, I am forever grateful. 

— Sasha

Meghan has truly improved my life. She got me to a point where my chronic issues were no longer chronic!
When I became her client my gut flora was massively screwed up from getting really sick on a vacation in a different country. I knew I picked something up but didn’t know how to fix it. I had gut issues my whole life even before that but I thought bloating, gas, and changes in stools was normal. You get used to feeling bad when that’s all you've known. 
 I found out I had a bad case of SIBO and parasites. I got on some herbal antibiotics and probiotics plus the protocols she recommended and started feeling so much better! She treated me with care, heard all my concerns with sincerity, and always gave me some guidelines. She also responds timely to any questions emailed. 
A thankful client! 

— Meredith

I was eating a vegan diet for 5 years and thought I had found the best diet ever. I was losing lots of weight and feeling great. But towards the end, about the last year I had really been feeling bad. My energy had tanked, my skin was aging, my hair was falling out, my periods were very painful and I was developing allergies to all of the plant foods I was eating. I could feel that my stomach was weak and wasn't digesting food properly. After coming across Meghan's YouTube videos and listening to her ex-vegan interviews I realized I was going through the same thing as her and so many that she interviewed. I was so lost and it was hard to believe. I didn't know where to start, what to eat or how to get back to normal. Meghan really helped me sift through all of the extreme disinformation on the internet about health. She gave me a customized meal and supplement plan that brought me back to life. I didn't realize how much the vegan diet was destroying my health until Meghan taught me how to heal my gut, eat animal based and balanced. It has been 4 months with Meghan as my Nutritionist and health coach and I have already seen so much progress! What amazes me is that I didn't think my digestion could get back to normal after the damage I caused from being on that malnourishing diet for so long!

— Charlene